The Grand Chapter of Kansas, Order of the Eastern Star is happy to be able to offer the following scholarship awards.
Application and budget/financial forms are available on this page, or by contacting us at:
Grand Chapter of Kansas, OES Scholarship Committee
c/o Executive Secretary
221 S.W. 33rd Street, Suite 300
Topeka, KS 66611-2379
Phone: (785) 234-5743
Notes on Requirements
(a) Applicants must be U.S. Citizens and residents of Kansas.
(b) Applicants must be full-time on campus students enrolled in twelve (12) hours or more per semester at an accredited, brick and mortar institution of higher education with its main campus located in Kansas. This includes: Community Colleges, Four-year accredited colleges or universities or Vocational/Technical/Trade Schools in the State of Kansas.
(c) Masonic affiliation, as defined below, is a requirement for all but the Hendricks and Cearley Youth Scholarships.
Definition: Master Masons and Members of the Eastern Star, Children and Grandchildren of Masons and/or Members of the Order of the Eastern Star in Kansas; Also current or Majority Members of the youth groups (DeMolay, Job’s Daughters, Rainbow Girls) shall be eligible to receive scholarship awards.
(d) Students may be eligible for more than one (1) scholarship. Awards will be made at the discretion of the Scholarship Board within the stipulations of each individual Scholarship Fund to best utilize the monies available each year.
(e) Applications being mailed to the Grand Chapter Office – c/o Executive Secretary are to be postmarked on or before June 15 with proper postage. With mail service as it is, it is suggested that the application be mailed “Certified Mail with Return Receipt” with CORRECT POSTAGE for proof of mailing. To confirm receipt of application at the Grand Chapter office, email: If an application with all documents is given directly to the Grand Secretary on or before June 15, be sure to ask for a confirmation of receipt. If an application with all documents are taken directly to the Grand Chapter Office on or before June 15, it is the responsibility of the applicant to arrange drop off during open hours at the Grand Chapter Office as it has limited days and hours of operation. Email: in advance to make arrangements to deliver the documents. When delivering the documents, be sure to ask for a confirmation of receipt.
It is suggested that each applicant retain a copy of all documents.
**Electronic submissions of applications WILL NOT be accepted at this time. Applications are at NO TIME to be mailed or given to anyone other than the methods listed above.
Rules adopted by the OES Scholarship Board
I. Students must attest to their Masonic or OES relationship (Parent, Grand Parent, or Member themselves of a Lodge , Chapter or Youth Group in Kansas) and be prepared to present credentials of verification.
II. Applicants must submit a completed application for Scholarship(s), with all supporting documents, to the Executive Secretary by June 15: Mailed with a postmark to the Grand Chapter Office on or before June 15; OR given directly to the Grand Chapter Secretary by June 15; OR hand delivered to the Grand Chapter Office during open hours by June 15. *No electronic submissions will be accepted*. (Rev. 1/24/2023)
III. Awards are made annually to begin in the fall semester. Scholarship amounts may vary, depending upon the availability of funds, unless specified in the scholarship description. Applicants will be notified of awards by letter prior to the fall semester. No recipient will receive awards more than four years.
IV. Awards will be mailed to the school in the name of both the student and the institution. One half of the award will be mailed for the fall semester, the balance to be mailed for the spring semester. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Financial Aid Office at his/her institution to receive the award. In the event a student cannot matriculate the second semester, that portion of the scholarship shall be returned to the Grand Chapter of Kansas and the Scholarship Fund upon which it was drawn.
Links to more information:
Click here for a complete set of rules, application and check list.
Scholarship Application (Fillable form)
(This page was updated on 2/5/2023)