
Registration for the 2025 Grand Chapter Session is now open! Click here to get to the registration forms.

The information and registration for the 2026 OES Fundraising Cruise is now available. You can go to the tab on the main menu or click this link: Cruise

Information on the Kansas-Oklahoma Exchange is now available under the “State-wide Activities” Tab!

Spring Charity Event information is now available – March 8

 NOTE: We have received a notice from the Right Worthy Grand Secretary Protem Kelly L. O’Malley that if you are going to Washington DC and want to tour the Perry Belmont House, to make reservations before, or when, you are making travel arrangements.  The Perry Belmont House is quite a popular and busy meeting/event venue, and they want to do their best to accommodate tours for our members that would not conflict with a scheduled event.

NOTICE! If you receive an email requesting a gift card for Eastern Star Charities.  THIS IS A SCAM!!  No one in Kansas Eastern Star would request a gift card be sent to anyone to support our Charities or other functions.  Please delete the email or report it to the proper authorities. 

Again, DO NOT send any gift cards or respond to the email in anyway.

What is the Order of the Eastern Star?

The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world to which both men and women may belong. We have more than 500,000 members in 5,000 Chapters worldwide.

Eastern Star chapters serve their communities in a variety of ways. They offer scholarships, donate funds to train service animals, collect food and donate school supplies to families in need, participate in fundraising for research to cure diseases, provide financial support to a variety of charities, and sponsor Masonic youth organizations. Chapters also work together to support charities in their local community.

Grand Chapter Office
221 SW 33rd St., Suite 300
Topeka, KS  66611-2379
Phone: (785) 234-5743
Email: oes-ks@sbcglobal.net

Suggestions to improve this site are always welcome.  Please contact the webmaster.  Where practical, your suggestions will be incorporated as time allows.

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