The Grand Chapter of Kansas, Order of the Eastern Star is happy to be able to offer the following ESTARL awards, applications, and information.

Click here for the applications.

Click here for a printable information sheet.


A. There is hereby created a fund to be known as the “Eastern Star Training Award for Religious Leadership”. This fund is to consist of contributions from Chapters and members of the Order and will be for the purpose of giving assistance to young men and women who desire to enter the various fields of religious service, namely: Ministers, Missionaries, Directors of Church music, Directors of religious education and Directors of youth leadership.

B. The standing committee shall be the governing board; shall rule on all applications and shall authorize all disbursements. As nearly as possible or practical, all funds received each year shall be disbursed to applicants.

C. Awards are to be variable in amount and determined by the ESTARL Committee, and will be on the basis of funds available, number of applicants and need of individuals. Awards are to be made for one year, subject to renewal, on basis of total record. Applicants need not be of Masonic or Eastern Star Affiliation.

D. Awards are to be made in the form of a certificate presented to the student. The student is free to select the accredited college of her or his choice. A check in the amount of the award will be sent to the college annually. This money is to be used for books, tuition, board, clothing, or medical aid.


The following rules govern the ESTARL Committee:

  1. In order to merit this award, the following qualifications are required:
    1. He or she must be a legal resident of Kansas;
    2. Upper classman in college or in seminary;
    3. Sponsored by an Order of the Eastern Star Chapter;
    4. Definite promise to one (1) year of service
  2. A complete application form must be submitted with the following:
    1. Letters of recommendations, one of which must be from the Secretary of the sponsoring Chapter;
    2. Transcript of grades;
    3. 5×3 inch photo;
    4. Detailed financial statement of income and debts
      +This will be strictly confidential
    5. Same procedure is to be followed for renewals.

Applications for the ESTARL Awards shall be submitted no later than June 15.

Soon after June 15th of each year, the ESTARL Awards Committee meets, reviews applications and grants the awards, which are sent to the school of their choice for the Fall term.

It is understood that if the applicant drops his or her religious training and takes up work which is outside that field, then all money he or she has received from ESTARL is to be returned to the ESTARL Committee, so that it may be given to those who are preparing for Christian Service.

No applicant will be granted more than five (5) awards.

For more information contact:

Kansas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star
221 S.W. 33rd Street, Suite 300
Topeka, KS 66611-2379

Phone: (785) 234-5743

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